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Category: Physics


Tiny particles are affected in different ways than we are by waves. There are several different effects that must be discussed.

Special Relativity

Albert Einstein revolutionized the world of physics when he discovered the special theory of relativity. It is only possible due to his contributions that valuable technologies like GPS function. But what is it exactly?


Mirrors can interact with light in interesting ways. In fact, reflection and refraction are probably most people's engagement with laws of physics surrounding light in their daily life.

Electromagnetic Waves

We have discussed electric fields and magnetic fields, and the way that they change and interact. The full interaction of these fields will create electromagnetic waves, the study of which will consume the rest of these notes.


Circuits are the method by which all electricity travels throughout the world and power every single device in existence. It is therefore crucial to understand them while understanding electricity.

Electric Potential

Besides electrical charge and field, there's another force that is relevant to electricity: electric potential.