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Higher Order Functions in OCaml

We can do a lot of cool things with functions besides calling them in OCaml.

Anonymous Functions

Values are a subset of expressions, as previously stated. All expressions can evaluate to values, but values are final.

Anonymous functions are also values. Sometimes, it's more convenient not to create and name a whole new function for our purpose. Anonymous functions are ad hoc functions that exist as values in expressions. They are expressed using the keyword fun.

let y = fun x -> x + 3

This might not seem to have much benefit compared to a full function definition, but it is very useful within let expressions. Since anonymous functions are values, not just expressions, they can be manipulated far more powerfully than even general expressions.

let y = (fun x -> x + 1) 2 in
(fun z -> z - 2) y

This code might seem a little hard to parse, but it's easier to think about if we rewrite it to use traditional function definitions.

let f x =
    x + 1
let g z =
    z - 2
let y = f 2 in
g y

Now we can tell that y is 3 in the function g, which then evaluates to 1. However, the former code snippet is a much terser way to write this expression if we don't need the functions f and g anymore.

One good way to think about it is that anonymous functions are to regular functions as literals are to variables. If we only need to use the value "really_long_string" once, we don't need to store it in a variable. On the other hand, it can be useful to store that literal in a variable s that is much shorter to write. Similarly, if we only need to use the function x -> x + 1 once, we don't need to store it in a function variable.

In fact, this isn't even an analogy. Functions are first-class in OCaml, so regular functions are just variables that store anonymous functions:

let f x = body
(* this is sugar for this *)
let f = fun x -> body

And in the same vein, we can name functions within let expressions in an anonymous ways.

let move l x =
    let left x = x - 1 in
    let right x = x + 1 in
    if l then left x
    else      right x
(* same as *)
let move' l x =
    if l then (fun y -> y - 1) x
    else      (fun y -> y + 1) x

Note also that the local variable in the anonymous function doesn't actually matter to the expression it's used in; this is a consequence of the shadowing rules of OCaml.

There are several functions in the standard library of OCaml that use higher order functions.


map is a function in the List module of OCaml. Like the name implies, this function maps a function onto every element of a list and returns that list. It has type ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list.

let rec map f l =
    match l with
    | [] -> []
    | h :: t -> (f h) :: (map f t)

This is a simple, yet powerful and useful function. That's why it is included in the List module, although it's trivial to write yourself.


fold is another function in the List module in OCaml, that iterates over a list. The essential idea is that you have an accumulator variable that you want to get based on the values in a list.

let rec fold f acc l =
    match l with
    | [] -> acc
    | h :: t -> fold f (f acc h) t

For example, this is a way to implement a sum function using fold.

let rec sum acc l =
    match l with
    | [] -> acc
    | h :: t -> sum (acc + h) t
sum 0 [2; 5; 100; 53];;
(* same as *)
fold (fun acc x -> acc + x) 0 [2; 5; 100; 53];;

Its type is ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'a. We can deconstruct that and understand each part of the function. The initial function f applies the type 'b to 'a and returns 'a. Then for the next two arguments, we keep the same 'a accumulator and iterate over the 'b list.

The use of an accumulator makes fold very versatile, since you can put anything in there.

We can combine map and fold to create the map/reduce framework which can be massively parallelized. We first map a function over our list, then we reduce the list into a single accumulator value.

There is also an alternative version of fold called fold_right that works in reverse, which can be better for certain problems. However, it comes with steep performance cost: every recursive call builds a new stack frame. The original fold is able to optimize this call away by using tail recursion.